
A command line tool for converting text files (in a specific format) into readable, organized HTML documents

GenerateCollapsibleGuide takes a formatted text file and turns it into a collapsible, formatted HTML document. It currently supports:


For using GenerateCollapsibleGuide you will need java version “16.0.2” or newer installed in your system.

Run “java -version” on your local prompt to check if you have java installed, and check which version you have.

Download the latest compiled jar file from /jar or get a release from the release section.


java -jar GenerateCollapsibleGuide.jar input.txt output.html (jar file)
java GenerateCollapsibleGuide input.txt output.html (class file)

To run the demo (Windows):

java -jar jar\GenerateCollapsibleGuide.jar demo\demo.txt demo\demo.html

To compile the project just run make.bat (Windows)


GGGUI is written in the Java programming language.